Business Psychology & Psychometrics Support Solutions

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Business Psychology & Psychometrics Support Solutions

To complement our recruitment, training, design and implementation of Assessment and Development Centres, Counselling services, HCP is committed to providing instruments and support necessary to use psychometric tests and assessments in the most professional way. Our goal is to help you use psychometric tools to improve individual, team, and organizational performance by making effective use of the diversity, talent, and creativity amongst individuals.

Psychometric tests are designed to provide a consistent and effective measure of people’s traits, abilities, skills, and interests. The ability to measure these characteristics enhances decision making during recruitment and selection, individual and team development, organizational change and career directions.

Business Psychology & Psychometrics Support Solutions
  • Business Psychology Support
  • Psychometrics Support
  • Aptitude & Skills Testing
  • Personality Assessments
  • Personal Visioning, Career Anchor Assessment, Career Counselling/Advise/Job Placements
  • Employee Exit Management/ Outplacement Support Services
  • Personal Financial Planning
What Our Clients are Asking Us
  • How can we objectively assess aptitude, skills, and ability of potential employees?
  • We are interested in using psychometrics tests in supporting our recruitment, training, management development and succession planning purposes but we do not seem to know what psychometrics products are well validated, objective, standardised, reliable, predictive and non discriminatory.
What We Do

We have associated ourselves with various publishers and distributors of widely tested and internationally acclaimed psychometric tools to bring this service to your doorstep.  Our professionals certified in Occupational Testing and Occupational Personality assessments will advise you on the appropriate and suitable use of the instruments depending on your specific need.

Our suite of psychometric products are grouped under the following headings:

Occupational Testing

Measures of Aptitude and Ability

Measures intellectual and reasoning abilities (e.g numerical, verbal, abstract, special and mechanical, logical reasoning and problem solving). Specific suite of products under this category will be provided on request.

Occupational Personality Questionnaire

Measures of Personality 

Personality questionnaires measure aspects of personality that our client is interested in. It provides a fair, objective and cost-effective method of predicting likely behaviour in a wide range of settings.  They can be used to determine personality profile across a wide range of characteristics or in conjunction with other evidence to make predictions about likely success in a wide range of jobs. Specific suite of products under this category will be provided on request

Measures of Values, Interests, Preferences and Styles

Matching an individual with their preferences and ensuring occupational alignment with their values and interests provides incentive and motivation to employees that will result in enhanced organizational performance.  These tests assist in achieving this objective, while at the same time providing value to the individual by assisting them on journey of self-discovery, career interest mapping and career development. Specific suite of products under this category will be provided on request.

360º Assessment Tool

‘‘360º  feedback” review enables both the organisation and the individual employees to better understand how they are perceived in terms of behavioural skills by a range of other stakeholders such as managers, colleagues, subordinates and customers. On one hand, the assessment  enables the line manager to create a review that is specific to individual role and gain real insight into individuals’ performance, review  a report to see how specific individual  is  performing, and generate and track development plans. On the other hand, it enables the individual employee to take control, feel engaged and involved in the organisation, empowered and responsible for his/her own development, identify key strengths and development needs specific to their roles and access a large databank of development ideas that will enable them to prepare a practical and personal development plan aimed at improving the skills they wish to work on. Specific suite of products under this category will be provided on request.

  • Bureau services
  • Assessment & Development Centre Design & Implementation for potentials/suitability assessment
Key Benefits
  • Help prospective employers to find the best match of individual to occupation and working environment at the early stages of selection to screen-out candidates who are likely to be unsuitable for a job.
  • Provide management with guidance on career progression for existing employees.

Please note that all psychometric reports are guides and work oriented inventories designed to assist in the selection, appraisal, development or coaching and counselling process.  The reports should therefore never be used in isolation but always in conjunction with both an interview and a process whereby each candidate’s experience, education, qualifications, competence and trainability can be thoroughly assessed.  The Supplier and HCP are therefore not liable for consequences of client’s misuse or any problem that may arise from the use of the reports.


If you would like to discuss your psychometrics, as well as, Assessment and Development Centre needs with us, please contact us on